By Dan Franch
Straight From The Source 4/21/2021
Another day, another shooting in America. Mass murder, random individual — it doesn’t matter. To quote The Clash, “somebody, got murdered, somebody’s dead forever.”
Fear not; this isn’t another rant about gun control. That’s a rabbit-hole discussion with two sides digging in their heels and the discourse going nowhere. To be fair, I see both sides. I’m not a gun owner, but I support the right for people to own guns. And I’m not going to get into an argument about background checks and the availability of certain kinds of weapons. It’s another rabbit hole to avoid.
What’s needed is a paradigm shift, a fresh way of looking at shootings. It’s not so much about guns, types of guns and how to acquire them. It’s about the shootings themselves.
Why do Americans like to shoot each other?
That’s what is so perplexing. I’m going out on a limb here, but I think we can say that politicians on both sides of the aisle and people from all walks of life do not think shooting people is OK. At least I hope that’s not a rabbit-hole topic too.
Starting from that baseline, again, why do Americans like to shoot each other? This is the issue that needs addressing. Are we a violent culture? Are we angry people? Overly aggressive? Is stress the culprit? Is it an inferiority complex? Maybe a sense of entitlement fostered by our national attitude of exceptionalism.
Whatever the reason, our desire to shoot each other is unparalleled in the world. I don’t know the answer. What I do know is that the question should be moved away from Why do we need guns? What kinds of guns? Who should get guns? And redirected toward one that can be less divisive: Why do Americans like to shoot each other?