Border Hold Up

You may want to think twice about what to wear next time you’re crossing the French-Luxembourg border.

New Year’s Daze

Not everyone in the Bull family can remember what they got up to in 2015. Lucky for Eddy, the kids captured most of the New Year’s eve fun on camera!

As the time draws nigh

In Dan Franch’s last column for, he talks about the new life awaiting him abroad and how it will be hard to top little old Luxembourg. “As the time draws nigh,” wrote Whitman. And indeed it does for my sons and I. Things are quickly wrapping up here in the lovely land of Luxembourg. […]

Keeping up the Christmas lie

Why do we do it? That’s what I’ve been asking myself this Christmas season. Why do we lie? Fib? Fabricate such a preposterous story as a red dressed, white bearded fat man flying through the air on a sled with eight reindeer at the helm? Why do we do it? That’s what I’ve been asking […]

Office parties

Tis the season for office parties, but they are not always as they seem…

Paris selfie

They say Paris is the most romantic city in the world. But, they also say three’s a crowd, as this month’s Foreign Exchange comic strip shows.


Have U Given one today? It’s late January — the dead of winter — and life has gotten you down. It’s dark. It’s cold. Maybe there’s snow, maybe not. It makes no matter. It gets lonely this time of year as you turn inside… inside your house, inside yourself. Whether intentional or not, you may […]

Twelve grapes for New Year’s

It’s New Year’s Eve, a time for “kissing the old year out; kissing the new year in,” to quote the Bing Crosby song. The oldest holiday (it dates back to Babylonian times over 4000 years ago), New Year’s is the lone holiday that is celebrated around the world. After all, regardless of race, religion, culture, […]

The meaning of mealtime

Dan Franch on why eating together is about so much more than food. If you have kids, life is busy. If both you and your spouse have jobs, life is busier. If you are a single parent with a job, life is well… busiest. Add to that lengthening commutes, further demands outside the home, plus […]

Seven. Lucky seven. Seventh heaven

Everyone is aware of its magical allure. Seven is the most common dice roll in gambling. In ancient times, seven celestial bodies could be seen by the naked eye. There are seven continents. Seven seas. Seven days in a week and seven wonders of the ancient world. Don’t forget the seven colors in a rainbow. […]